Thursday, July 21, 2011

Genesis 10

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

1. Goes through the names of Noah's grandsons, and some of their son's.

2-5. Not really in this chapter.

6. Don't be a Ham in life!

I find it odd that it says Japheth was the oldest, Shem, the middle and Ham the youngest, but when going through the "Table Of Nations," Ham is listed in between the two brothers.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Genesis 9:18-29

It's been a little while, but we're still plugging away!! But first I have to share a thought that's been on my mind. ;-) How much do you fully rely on God?? There's an app for that. Well, actually a bracelet that came out sometime after What Would Jesus Do (WWJD). The initials on the bracelet are F.R.O.G. It was popular for a while, like other new things, but I still have to ask the question. Are you relying on God for everything?

A lot of times I see people, family, friends, myself who rely on others or themselves for everything. They put a lot of hope and confidence in their relationships. You may rely on your spouse to make you feel beautiful/handsome, your job to feel accomplished, your children to feel loved when your spouse is far away. You may even rely on substances, drugs, drinks, pills, to take away the pain of something that happened in your past, something that is happening today.

Well, people are only human, we will fail each other. We will break promises. Sometimes we try to fulfill them, but we only have so much time on our hands and the promise gets broken. Sometimes we promise without really intending to do what we say. Sometimes we promise and we don't realize! (I seem to do this with my kids, telling them lets do such and such, then forgetting I said so. They remind me quite often of this!!)

But I'm going to encourage you to put all your trust in God.He will never fail. You may think that He has failed you before, maybe you asked Him to do something but He didn't come through. You may not realize how little you trust Him.

Just a thought to think about.

Well, lets finish chapter 9!

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

1. We all came from the sons of Noah, who got drunk one night. Ham saw and did nothing, Shem and Japeth covered him. Noah cursed the younger son and blessed the older two who covered him.

2. Well, I guess you could say that when someone does something kinda stupid or embarrassing, it would be exemplary to help without making a scene!! I can just picture Ham going to his brothers, "guess what dad did!?"

3. I don't know if Noah was just embarrassed by his son seeing him naked or because he did nothing or if there is something darker to what Ham maybe said that isn't written. Obviously, it was enough to be cursed and called the "lowest of slaves to his brothers"

4. Command: I'm not seeing one!

5. Neither am I seeing a particular sin, I mean, I have never found a relative naked, but I imagine I would do what I could not to look at them, turning my head and covering them up!

6. I've always thought of this as the first scene in the Bible where someone gets drunk by drinking too much, but looking at verse 20, I don't think that's the case. Noah had just planted a vineyard and maybe was not used to having grapes or whatever crushed into a drink and fermented. And if I use my imagination, I think the atmosphere must have been different from after the flood. The sun may have baked those grapes (or whatever!!) and you know how grape juice tastes after sitting out just for a few hours! He may not have realized what would happen from drinking what he thought was a simple concoction of wine!? Just my thoughts and opinion!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Genesis 9:1-17

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

1. God makes a covenant with Noah to be fruitful and increase in number, all living thing is now food, (not just the green plants, but not meat with lifeblood - I guess not still living!), God says never again will a flood destroy the earth and sets the rainbow as a sign of His promise.

2. To be fruitful?? ;-) I don't think it applies since we have increased quite a bit!!

3. n/a

4. God demands an accounting for the life of his fellow man. So no killing!

5. n/a

6. That even though there may be flooding, there will never again be a big flood!! So no worries when the waters rise.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Genesis 8:1-22

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

1. Describes the flood, how long it lasted, and Noah coming out after the ground dried up; then Noah built an alter and sacrificed an offering; God promised to never again destroy all living creatures as he did.

2. To give glory to God.

3. n/a

4. n/a

5. n/a

6. n/a

If anyone feels there is more to some of these chapters, feel free to share!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Genesis 7:1-24

Okay, I haven't been faithful everyday, but knowing someone may be reading this helps to remind me!! I know this is a process and I'm working to read God's word everyday. So thank you for helping to keep me accountable!!

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

 1. Noah goes into the ark with his family and the animals; it rained for 40 days/nights and the water rose to 20 feet over the tops of the mountain; it flooded for 150 days.

2. Following God's precept to at "t". If not, Noah would have not survived such a long time!

3. n/a

4. n/a

5. n/a

6. Even when God's direction sounds weird, like building a huge boat in the middle of a desert, do it because "he said so"!! God sees the whole picture from start to finish so why not trust him?!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Genesis 6:1-22

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

1. Men increased in number, talks of Nephilim, (which there are various definitions of whom they truly were), Lord saw that man's wickedness was great, wanted to wipe us off the earth, but Noah found favor in His eyes.

2. Try to be like Noah, righteous and blameless among the people of my time; walk with God. And do as God says.

3. Don't let my thoughts turn toward evil, don't be violent or corrupt.

4. When God says do something, do it exactly the way He said. Don't turn from it, to the right or the left.

5. no

6. Don't get bogged down in little things of the day so that I can't walk with God.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Genesis 5: From Adam to Noah

Yes, it has been about three weeks. Terrible that I just started and have lapsed so long!! I shan't even blame it on recent events because God ought to come before events even if I am tired or not home much. I'd love to say even though I haven't posted online, I have been still doing my study, but I won't lie. I will just fess up and say I have let things slip and notice as of late I am crankier with my kids than when I was reading every day!! So here I come back to Genesis!!!! Let's see if we can finish chapter five.

Read the verse and answer the following questions: (don't forget that Bible, a pen and highlighter!! You may even start with a notebook and have these questions at the front as a reference, then throughout the book, just write your answers!! Just an idea!? :-) )

1. Summarize in a few sentences what the passage is about:

2. Is there an example for me to follow?

3. Is there an error I need to avoid?

4. Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Is there a sin I need to forsake?

6. What application of this passage can I make today?

My answers and opinion:

1. God created man in his likeness, male and female he created them. Goes through Adam's line and how long each lived (nearly 1000 years each!!! Don't know I'd want to live that long!) Says that Enoch walked with God and then was "no more", God took him away. Then Noah was born.

The rest of the chapter is a list of who bore who and how long each lived.

Quite an easy chapter, don't know why it took me so long to get back to this!! And I must say that I was reading "Bringing up Boys" by Dr. Dobson when I read that we need to take every chance we have to relate to our children or teach them about our faith. Only God knows our hours upon this earth so don't squander that time. This in a chapter directed at fathers toward their sons and yet it pierced my own heart!!